Personal Identity and Self Esteem

  • ANspired
  • 16 Nov 2022
  • 3 MIN READ

What is Personal Identity?

Personal identity is the sense of who you are, your sense of self. It’s not just your name or physical appearance; it’s an element of personality that defines what makes you unique. It’s the reputation you’ve built for yourself through having skills, making choices, and contributing to society. It includes all your thoughts, emotions, and experiences from day-to-day life.

What Does Self-Esteem Mean?

Self-esteem is a subjective measure of how much someone likes and values themselves. High self-esteem means having high levels of self-worth and confidence in yourself, while low self-esteem means having a poor opinion of yourself.

How Do Personal Identity and Self-Esteem Relate?

Without a sense of identity and feelings of self-worth, you would struggle to have high levels of self-esteem. They are intrinsically linked. It is essential to focus on them separately.

What Is the Difference Between Personal Identity and Self-Esteem?

There are many differences in how people perceive them, making it hard to separate them. Self-esteem can be a reactive state, where people’s feelings are based on how they perceive themselves at that time, whereas personal identity tends to be an internal state, a feeling of self-worth or confidence within us. It is sometimes referred to as self-concept or self-perception, but this is not always the same.

How are Personal Identity and Self Esteem measured?

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator or MBTI measures self-esteem. It is a psychometric system based on how people see themselves and others in just over two minutes of counselling using a questionnaire. But this is just one form of measuring self-esteem.

How to Improve Your Sense of Personal Identity and Boost Your Self Esteem?

There are many ways to improve your sense of identity, and once you start to see a difference, it is easier to maintain this positive progression. One-on-one coaching is another way in which to build back internal capacity to weather the storms. Self-esteem goes together with self-worth and these two are also connected.

1. Develop New Interests and Passions

Many people fail to take the time out for themselves to learn skills or develop new interests that they enjoy, making them more interesting to engage with. It leads to a more excellent feeling of self-worth or personal identity.

2. Build Up Your Skills

If you lack confidence in a particular area, this can often be the first thing to affect your level of self-esteem. As soon as you start trying to improve your knowledge or skill levels in this area, it will help boost your self-esteem and sense of personal identity.

3. Improve Your Character Traits

Rather than trying to change who you are, change the direction you face by building on existing strengths to create a more positive sense of identity and better self-esteem.

4. Developing New Habits

Developing new habits is one way to boost your self-esteem and personal identity. It could range from getting up earlier in the morning, starting a new hobby, learning a language, or taking up a new sport. It all helps to improve your concentration and focus levels, as well as boost your confidence.

5. Improve your Motivation Levels

When you feel motivated, you can set practical goals to help you become more productive. We are taught from an early age to have motivation, but it’s essential to remember that negative emotions can be worse at pushing us towards our goals than positive ones. Personal identity and self-esteem are two things often confused as they are intrinsically linked. By looking after your identity and building an independent sense of who you are, it will be much easier to have high levels of self-esteem.

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