Ways To Promote Workplace Equity Alongside Diversity and Inclusion

  • Anita Rajendran-See
  • 18 Mar 2022
  • 3 MIN READ
For a company to be successful, there is the need to ensure inclusion, diversity, and equity are promoted at the workplace. The question that comes about now is, how can you achieve diversity, inclusion, and equity at your workplace? Some of the ways to ensure there is diversity, inclusion, and equity in the workplace include:

1. Set Targets and Ensure there is Accountability

An organization needs to ensure targets are set, and they should be measurable. For instance, the hiring process should be transparent. Targets should also be set for the number of employees representing a specific demographic at your organization. Alongside this, it is crucial to ensure there is accountability. Employees or management in charge of overseeing potential employees needs to ensure they are meeting the targets set by the company.

2. Keep Track of the Hiring Practices

As stated earlier, the hiring practices should be transparent. People should not suspect that they are being discriminated against when they apply for a position at an organization. Organizations should also ensure diversity is promoted in the recruitment advertisements and not simply targeting one specific demographic.

3. Focus on Culture Contribution During the Hiring Process

Most companies hire based on culture fit. Instead, it is advisable to hire for cultural contribution; this means you will be hiring for the position and not due to their skills. There are also different ways to define culture fit, such as personality traits and interests.

4. Provide Training for Potential Employees

This is a relatively new concept in the industry. It is the way schools are being trained; this means that employees, whether junior or senior, will be trained to contribute positively to their organisation. For example, employees need to be learning how to work with different teams and provide feedback on how they can improve their skills.

5. Ensure there is no Discrimination at the Workplace

Discrimination should not be a way of life, or it may be regarded as legal discrimination. It is important to ensure that you are aware of the laws pertaining to this issue. Organizations will also need to focus on ensuring no unlawful discrimination occurs in the workplace.


There are numerous ways to foster diversity, inclusion, and equity at the workplace. However, we’ve only listed a few. Organisations must ensure there is equality and a culture change, so all employees feel like they’re part of the team. In the process they’ll be more productive.

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